Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Dear women,

We want to thank you for a splendid 2008! We've enjoyed two Women's Summits and the launch of our key product, Bios Life Slim. The women who participate in the business at Unicity International, Inc. have been glorious. You're bursting with enthusiasm, fired about the business and full of concern for your clients. Congratulations on your successes and accomplishments! We are looking forward to all the good that 2009 holds.

All of love and greetings,

Ann Schreck and Katharine Cutler Peterson

Monday, December 15, 2008

Wrapping up the Season

As the new year approaches, we look forward. But let's take a moment to review. Reviewing the goals that we've set throughout the year can be helpful and motivating. Says one writer, "Reviewing your goals will allow you to focus on what you can get done, how much time you need to get it done...You can also see where you can make improvements so that you won’t be pushed off track." - http://thefreshmanwriter.wordpress.com/2008/11/29/reviewing-your-goals/

Let us think upon our accomplishments, our dreams, our vision. As we review the happenings of the year and learn to review on a more frequent basis, we will find more meaning to life, bless others lives more often and accomplish more than we thought possible. Let us open our minds to those goals which can uplift and push us forward. Dennis Watley advises us,
The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.
We believe in the women of Unicity International, Inc. They know where they are going and what they plan to do. Let us wrap up more than presents this year as we review our 2008 goals and move forward.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Registration forms due

If you have qualified for the Paradise Rewards Trip and haven't filled out your registration form, please do so. Registration forms are due Friday, December 12.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

On Holiday

After the holidays, those qualified for the Paradise Rewards Trip will take another holiday to Los Cabos, Mexico! January 15-18th, Franchise Owners will relax on white sand beaches and swim in clear waters. We're so excited - in fact, here's a sneak peek at our agenda:

Thursday, January 15th - 4 p.m. Registration and Welcome Reception
Friday, January 16th - 8 a.m. Breakfast and Business Meeting
11 a.m. Activities and free time
Saturday, January 17th Activities and free time
8 p.m. Celebration Dinner
Sunday, January 18th 10 a.m. Check-out
*Times subject to change

You do not want to miss this Paradise Rewards Trip! Those who attend will enjoy a luxury vacation and have the rare opportunity to mingle with Franchise Owners and corporate staff in an relaxed and intimate setting. This is more than just an event - we're excited to see you in Mexico!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Little SLIMmer for the holidays!

Have you seen our Holiday special?!

Our gift to you for the holidays, is a very bright Slim cinch bag complete with the following:
A box of Bios Life Slim Packets
Slim Blender Bottle
Slim Measuring Tape
Slim Measurement Card
Slim Mini-Brochure

To learn more, visit http://www.usa.makelifebetter.com/whats_hot.html
Share the gift of health with those that you love this season. And don't forget to share a little with yourself as well. Unicity International wishes you happy holidays as we begin this Christmas season.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cabo San Lucas Approaching

Congratulations to those who qualified for the Paradise Rewards Trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. This will be a spectacular trip among white sand beaches and topical waters. Book your airfare as soon as possible, in order to get the lowest prices. We're six weeks away - the event starts January 15th! We hope everyone will qualify next time - Congratulations and Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Women's Summit - A Success!

The November Women's Summit in Delray Beach, Florida was a success! Women gathered together, hugging and laughing, pleased to build one another up. Chairman and CEO of Unicity International, Stewart Hughes, spoke Saturday morning about how women can strengthen their businesses. The women enjoyed many other speakers speaking on a variety of topics from product to relationships. Be on the look-out for highlights - posted on unicitywomen.com. Special thanks to the Women's Steering Committee and to all who participated and made this a great event!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Women's Summit Starts Tomorrow!

Here is the time we've all been waiting for! The November Women's Summit at Delray Beach, Florida begins tomorrow, Friday, November 7th and runs through Sunday, November 9th. All our best to those attending! If you aren't going, be on the look-out for highlights of the event in the future. We champion all of the women at Unicity International!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Women's Summit Query


Jeanne Smokler from Atlanta, GA has a message for other Women’s Summit attendees!

I'm looking for a roommate to share expenses at the Marriott hotel on Fri 11/07/08 and Sat 11/08/08.
I can be reached at jsomkler@bellsouth.net or 770-977-9229 home or 770-616-5123 cell.

Thank you!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Message for the Women's Summit Ladies

Hi Everyone,

Well we are coming around the bend and heading into the final weeks leading up to the Women's Summit. There is still time to register!

The economy is trembling and people are wondering what their options are. You have a great answer with the BiosLife Franchise.

To create a big business you need to have a 'Big' need and right now the need is greater than we have ever experienced globally for more people to take personal control and personal responsibility of their financial futures. We have an opportunity that people can 'Invest' in and grow into personal 'Financial Peace of Mind' You have this opportunity to change the lives of the people you care about ; giving them a chance to create a better financial future. Never has there been a greater need for our products or our business.

To accomplish this quickly the new Franchise Owner needs to become compentent and confidant as quickly and as easily as possible. We need to form relationships that support and grow us personally and in our business life and activity. The best place I have personally experienced this happening is at conferences.
'Leaders are born at conferences.'

If you are a woman and you have been around for awhile and thinking about really committing to this business; if you have been struggling to find the key to unlock your success; if you have someone new who really wants to make a success of this business, then this is the conference to attend.

The 'Summit Team' has diligently worked on an agenda that fills every need one has to fulfill their success and we invite you to review the agenda and make a decision to join us in November 7, 8, 9 in Delray Beach Florida. This Summit promises to change your life and your business.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Business, Clear your calender and plan to be at this Women's Summit. You owe this to yourself and your future. Register at www.unicitywomen.com

All My Best
Darlene Long

Monday, October 6, 2008

Don't Forget Transportation!

If you have registered for Women’s Summit in Delray Beach, Florida this November 7-9, 2008, don't forget to book your transportation to the hotel! For those inquiring about transportation to the Delray Beach Marriott, information can be found at http://www.unicitywomen.com/events.html. Please note that this is not included in the registration fee, but is the responsibility of the traveler.

See you soon,

Women’s Steering Committee

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Have your questions answered!

Women of Unicity:

November Women's Summit presents a fabulous opportunity to get all your questions answered from women just like yourself who are growing their Bios Life Businesses. Judy Gilman, Kathy Martin, Cheryl Straub and Dana Theisen will be on a panel called "Success leading success." The panel will share their stories and address your concerns. They are asking for your help in preparing their presentations. They need to know what you ‘REALLY WANT TO KNOW’. No question is too simple, too basic or even too personal. They want to answer the questions about the business that are really on your mind.

Please send in your questions and the Panel will be prepared to answer them. Please forward your questions to
cheryls@ncentral.com or beheard@unicity.net. We ask that your responses be emailed within the week. Thank you!

- The Panel

Monday, September 22, 2008

Have you registered?

Hello Ladies!

In just a little more than eight weeks, the most exciting and personally rewarding Women's Summit will take place in Delray Beach, Florida. The last summit in February launched businesses of women who will return to this summit to help you understand exactly what they did and how they did it so that you can have the same experience.

The Summit Team has worked to bring you the most jam packed event directed at women this company has ever seen! The presentations will give you an opportunity to experience and learn every skill you will need to create a dynamic and financially rewarding business. This summit has the potential to absolutely change your life and your business forever. Register at www.unicitywomen.com. Invite your friends, downline, neighbors and family to this exciting event!

Here is a list of the highlights you will experience, learn from and that can help you expand your business with confidence and competence:

1. Lori Finlay Hamilton teaches about the importance and the role hormones play in
everyone's life and ow to maximize the benifts of all our products - especially results with
BiosLife Slim.

2. Jan Bloom explains how to use language to impace your business and success. Learn what
to say and when to say it.

3. Understand how Stewart Hughes, Chairman and CEO of Unicity International, sees the
role of women at Unicity. Learn from this seasoned businessman how to network with

4. Enjoy an entire workshop with bestselling author and international speaker Sandy Grason.
Experience your personal magnificence and learn the steps to become a "Business Mogul."

5. Meet and network with the most successful women in this company!

We can't wait to see you there! Register today!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Keynote Speaker - Women's Summit Fall 2009

Hello to all the Fabulous Ladies of Unicity,

I’m writing you a personal note today to make sure you are planning to be at the Women’s Summit in Delray Beach in less than 2 months.

This is not going to be a “sit back and listen” session, it’s going to be Majorly interactive & FUN! You’re going to leave this summit with all the tools you need to build your Empire using my philosophies of Celebration, knowing Where you are, Who you are & Where you’re going, defining and implementing your Big Vision.

Here’s a little taste of what I’m cookin’ up for you:

  • How to Stop Procrastinating and Create Extreme Success
  • A proven system to help you pick up that phone when it weighs 1,000 pounds
  • How to magnetize the perfect people to support you in building your Empire
  • 3 ways to Discover & Express Your Unique Essence (or *Rock Star-ness*)

I know you’ve got a lot on your plate right now. I know it seems that November is miles away. But don’t wait one more moment ~ Now is the time to begin creating your future. They tell me seating is very limited so you’ll have the opportunity for lots of great networking. The room is going to be filled with successful, powerful, empowering women- don’t YOU want to be one of them?

Sign up today- I can’t wait to meet you! Get ready to rock that Big Vision!

Peace, Love and Chocolate,


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Contest Winners Rejoice

As you all know, the first ever Get Slim Now Contest just finished. The contest produced five Grand Prize Winners who won $700 in a shopping wardrobe and a trip to Korea for Unicity's Global Convention this month. Debbie relates her success with Bios Life Slim:

"If I told you my weight, you can imagine what my lifestyle was like and how I felt. Because of a medical condition, I became 60 pounds overweight—and it’s been a real battle to get rid of the fat. I’ve tried all the diet programs out there with zero success. So far with Slim I’ve lost a total of 13 and a quarter inches!
Since I started Slim, I never gained a pound—even through the holidays. I’ve gone from a size 22 to a size 16.
Some people don’t recognize me. People immediately comment on how fantastic I look… they say I radiate!
I’m so impressed with how fat comes off—and stays off!
I’m so surprised with how much more energy I have during the day to get things done—and I still feel good at the end of the day."

To learn more about our products and their great results, don't miss the upcoming Women's Summit at Delray Beach, Florida. Go to the events page for more details! Congratulations to all of our Get Slim Now Winners for their huge successes. We expect to witness more in the future.

Friday, August 29, 2008

A message from Franchise Owner Jan Bloom

At some point in time you were introduced to Bios Life™ Complete or Bios Life Slim™ and our opportunity. There was a reason you chose to be a part of this company. So my question to each of you reading this is...what was your reason why? Is what you are doing in your life today going to put you where you want to be 10-20 years from now? Are you concerned that it may not? Could that be your reason why? It still can be and it should be!

We are on the cusp of some SERIOUS MOMENTUM with the launching of Bios Life Slim. It is growing wildly and rapidly...and you COULD be a part of it! I KNOW one thing for sure after 15 years with this company and seeing all that I have seen. The time is NOW. Bios Life Slim™ is a HOMERUN for business, and those that take it seriously will make a lot of money now.

Whether you have worked with us for one month or 10 years, whether you have attended events in the past or not, THIS IS THE EVENT NOT TO BE MISSED!

IT IS DEDICATED TO developing the women in our business.. and you will be taught by the master of business...personally by our CEO, Stewart Hughes. You will also enjoy learning from several other active growing leaders who are making great incomes as well as an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker that KNOWS things in business that women need to learn and will teach you all that you need to know for success.

Please ladies, be smart with your time. Be smart with your lives. DECIDE to attend the Womens Summit November 7 - 9 , 2008. The registration fee goes up at the end of August and again at the end of September...make a decision. Join the rest of us.

You will NOT regret it for a moment. Register at www.unicitywomen.com and let me know that you are attending. I look forward to seeing you there.

Jan Bloom

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Women's Summit Content is Tailored Perfectly to Unicity Women!

The Women’s Steering Committee is working feverishly on completing the agenda for Women’s Summit in November. They want to make sure the topics are relevant and will empower each attendee to feel more confident and competent as they leave the Summit. Topics that will be included are: Developing Leadership, Language of Impact; Hormones and the Battle of the Belly being presented by Lori Finlay Hamilton, Setting Up Your Home Office and Your Tax Write-Offs, Understanding the Compensation Plan( and how it can work for you), Presenting Yourself as a Professional, How to Use Your Products Effectively and so much more. This whole agenda is targeted at women, the style they use to build the business and will include interactive workshops that give you not only the knowledge but an experience with the material to help you integrate your new knowledge comfortably into your business practices.

One amazing highlight is going to be our Keynote Speaker on Sunday morning. This is going to be a workshop that will also be interactive and complete our empowering and fun-packed weekend giving you the permission to claim your magnificence, powerfully, passionately and profitably. It may even turn you into a ‘Rock Star Mogul’.“Rock Star Author”, Sandy Grason is an International Speaker, the Founder & Author of the bestselling book, JOURNALUTION: Journaling to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life & Manifest Your Dreams. She defines the word Journalution as: the act of revealing your inner wisdom through writing. www.sandygrason.com

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Women's Summit
Experience - Empower - Expand
November 7-9
Delray Beach, Florida

Registration is Currently Open!
Call Customer Service to Register now
Click here to download registration form)

Registration (includes meals):
Early Registration $249 (till August 31st)
General Registration $289 (September 1st - October 15th)
Late Registration $300 (October 16th - November 5th)

Delray Beach Marriott (learn more here)
$189 (+ tax) per night (click here to reserve a room)
(mention "Bios Life Group" to get group rate)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stewart Hughes has a message for Unicity Women

You're invited to attend a special teleseminar by Unicity International CEO Stewart Hughes and top female Franchise Owners. Clear your calendar for Thursday, August 21st at 8:30 pm Eastern - this event should not be missed! For more information click on the link below.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


At the time I attended the first Unicity Women's Summit, I was a newcomer to the Unicity business. What I learned and experienced at the event launched me to a very high level of belief in the company, the people, and the products.

It was of great benefit to see the number and diversity of the women who have succeeded as Bios Life™ Franchise Owners. The camaraderie among the women was fantastic and I learned so much, not only about Bios Life Slim™ but about many of the products and how various women use them and market them. Of particular interest was Lori Hamilton's discussion of hormonal issues and how our natural formulations can address a variety of challenges for women and men caused by natural aging, diet and environmental causes.

I would recommend attendance at the next Women's Summit for every woman who wants to move forward with their business.

E Luber
Franchise Owner

Monday, August 11, 2008


This Summit that will be bigger and more exciting than our last one in February, however there is limited seating. The Marriott (http://www.bookmarriott.com/172/index.html.) also has a limited room block so book your room early call 1 800 228 9290 or 561-274-3200. You need to tell them you are with the BiosLife Group to get the special rates.

There have been special arrangements made for the Unicity Women to get a discount for Spa treatments on Thursday upon arrival. You will want to arrive on Thursday to be ready for a full and exciting day on Friday.

Arrangements are being made for us to use a transportation company going to and from either West Palm Beach Airport or Fort Lauderdale Airport and special arrangements going from the ship to the hotel if you are attending the cruise. This arrangement will allow the transportation company to group us together to get us to and from the airports inexpensively. (The form is attached for you to fill out)

Please go to www.unicitywomen.com to register. Early registration pricing ends Aug. 31.

Monday, August 4, 2008


The Women's Summit February 2008 was amazing! My expectations were to learn helpful strategies to build my Bios Life business, yet I must say, it was so much more than that. I achieved a level of personal growth that I did not think possible in just a few days of listening to and feeling the stories of success of other business women. The relationships that I developed with these incredible women are the relationships I continue to turn to for my professional growth. Whatever your intention is, product knowledge, business strategy, or just great camaraderie, all women will find it here!
-Dana Theisen
Franchise Owner

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Need a reason to attend Women's Summit?

Attending the Unicity Women’s Summit in February of 2008 took my business to levels I couldn’t have anticipated. I have to thank Jan Bloom for being relentless in encouraging me to go. It was only three weeks before the conference and I still was unsure but thanks to Jan I made the commitment to go despite the almost $600 airfare...and she was so right! My business tripled in volume and my income increased by over 200% in the three months following the women’s conference.

Personally, it allowed me to network with other women Franchise Owners throughout North America. What is amazing to me is the willingness of everyone to share. When we returned we had each other’s e-mail addresses. As attendees we were all given the privilege to participate in the beta testing of Bios Life Slim™. We shared everything including Slim party invitations, promotional flyers, marketing ideas and results. The camaraderie was great! I became a Franchise Owner in July of 2006 and attended my first conference in New York City three weeks later. I feel that attendance at national events is one of the keys to my success. The next year I was in Orlando and I would not miss this fall’s Women’s Summit in Del Ray Beach, Florida.

-Cheryl Straub
Franchise Owner

Thursday, July 17, 2008






My excitement level was so high when I left the Women’s Summit in UT, I could hardly wait to get home! I had no idea when I registered that I was going to be included in the beta marketing of Bios Life Slim. What a wonderful experience that was in so many different ways. After specializing in diabetes for so many years, I was “over the top” with excitement that I was working with the company that had an answer to leptin imbalance! It was very easy for me to talk to everyone about Slim and as soon as people heard, they were interested. As they had success, and told others, I watched my business triple in size over the next 2 ½ months! As a medical provider, I have had very little education in the world of business. I couldn’t have been more pleased at the business knowledge and sharing of information that went on, not only at the conference, but in the weeks and months following. I made a promise to myself never to miss a Women’s Summit. I encourage all my business partners to attend our next Women’s Summit in November so they can learn how to, not only grow their business, but grow professionally and personally as well.

Judy Gilman, NP, CDE

FOLLOW THIS LINK TO REGISTER: http://www.usa.makelifebetter.com/news_events.html#cruise

Wednesday, July 9, 2008



Women’s Summit

November 7-8, 2008

Delray Beach Marriott, Florida


Registration details to follow


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Keep the Vision

Stewart reminds us to remember the vision: We have to have a dream – “so big and so inspiring so it will get you to change behavior.” Sit down for 20 minutes and uncover your dream for the business. Pen your most glorified dreams and hold on to them. Write down every detail: how you will feel, what you will be wearing, who will be with you, what you will be doing, etc. Inspire yourself.

Then, get to work. Remember the 5-20-3 vision for making network marketing a big success. Document your behavior. Remind yourself of your vision daily. When you get down, review your vision. Every morning, relive your vision. Stewart guarantees results. Look up Keys to Success, by Stewart Hughes, for his personal speech.

Don’t forget to take advantage of the business opportunities, such as the Latino Convention, August 4-6. There is still time to register! Register for the Latino Convention .

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


“If you want to be successful, you have to make sacrifices.” – Stewart Hughes

I believe in success. It’s possible for everyone. In a speech to Franchise Owners, Stewart Hughes, CEO spills many of his secrets for building a successful business. I believe they can be transferred to other areas of our lives, helping us really to Make Life Better as a whole.

The first key is to document behavior. Write down your daily actions, e.g. how many phone calls you make, clients you contact, products you promote and order, etc. The result is making connections between action and outcome. If you don’t document, then you will wind up thinking that your behavior was “bigger…more important than it was.” You will go sleep exhausted after day of nonproduction. However, documenting behavior will help to change behavior and promote production and success. Each day can leave us with a feeling of satisfaction. Decide what you want, for “if you want to be successful, you have to make sacrifices.”

What do you think? Any good experiences that you’ve seen in your personal business? Post your comments on the blog!

Watch for another key to success later this week…

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hello ladies –

Besides being women, I think we have something great in common: we love Unicity International. We love the business, we believe in the products. We have great hope for the future. I hope that we can all connect on some level and work to Make Life Better.

I feel privileged to be working with all of you now. My recent experience has been with the Human Resource department at Unicity Headquarters. I have loved working with the employees here and now am excited to expand to understand better our incredible team of Franchise Owners. Please help to get to know you all better. Use the comment function on our blog, email me at Beheard@unicity.net. I’ve got a lot to learn and am thrilled to be working with all of you. Can’t wait to hear from you!

- Katharine

Monday, June 16, 2008

Please welcome Katharine

I am thrilled to announce that Katharine Cutler has been added to our team as a Marketing Specialist in the Marketing Department. Katharine is passionate about our business, our company and our work as a team of women. She is looking forward to getting to know you and being your one of your partners in your efforts to be successful. Feel free to contact her at BeHeard@Unicity.net to welcome her, ask her questions, or share your ideas about content for www.UnicityWomen.com.

Wishing you the very best,

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Greatness happens when people get together and pool their strengths for each other's benefit. It happens when lessons are passed down and taken even further. Who do you know in your life that you could learn from? Do you have a hero? How can you build on the opportunities that are given to you? How will you pass your knowledge down to the coming generation? Learn your strengths and the strengths of the people around you. Find out how you can help each other achieve what you never could alone.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


We all make lists, to-do lists, grocery lists, lists of goals, you name it, you've probably made a list for it. Have you made your list of contacts? What are you waiting for? The first step to growing your Bios Life Franchise is to make your list. Slim is in, and chances are you have people in your personal circle who are waiting for it! If they aren't, they know someone who is. Don't be shy, the worst thing someone can say is "no". Make your list tonight and start contacting tomorrow!

Monday, May 19, 2008


If you say you can't do it, you're going to be right. It's not up to other people to convince you of the reasons you can, it's up to you to convince them of the reasons you can. Slim is in! You CAN get slim, you CAN sell Slim. Take can't out of your vocabulary starting today!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The official launch of Bios Life Slim happened via webinar the night of Monday, May 12th. Introduced along with the packaging of this revolutionary fat burning product was a new website, http://www.bioslifeslim.com/, equiped with everything you need to learn about Slim as well as spread the word! Featured are 2 new videos available to view and e-mail to a friend (links below) along with more great new tools. Check out all of the great new resources available with the click of a button. Finally, the product your body's been waiting for!

"The Secret" Slim Commercial - http://www.bioslifeslim.com/thesecret/
Bios Life Slim Video - http://www.bioslifeslim.com/thenewyou/
Both available at www.bioslifeslim.com!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


The moment we've all been waiting for...the official arrival of Bios Life Slim! Don't miss the webinar scheduled for Monday, May 12th, 7:00 pm MT.

Click here to register!

Get your team together to attend the Webinar, plan your strategies, and build your future!

Having trouble? Copy and paste the link below into your browser!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Business building is essential. Stewart Hughes, CEO of Unicity International blogs about building a business. Here's an exerpt from a recent blog:
"The business can grow in a methodical way but it also can grow in a geometric way. Can you imagine what your business would look like and feel like if it grew 100% per month or even more--it really is possible. Are you ready for it to happen? Have you paid the price in personal development? Are there things you are not doing that you need to start doing? Are there things you are doing that you need to stop doing? Keep in mind that the leader usually grows before his or her business grows."

To read more of Stewart's advice, check out his blog here.
or copy and past the link into your browser:

Grow as a leader to grow your business!

Friday, May 2, 2008


It's the beginning of the month...time to refresh those goals! What goals did you set in April? What goals have been accomplished? What goals are you still working on. Take a few minutes today to refresh your goals. Make new ones, update old ones, and celebrate accomplished ones. Don't forget to put your goals in a place you can constantly be reminded of them. Most of all, don't let anything stand in your way!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


We all have that certain pair of shoes that make us radiate and feel fabulous! Isn't it amazing how a pair of shoes can change the way you feel? Never forget this feeling. When you want to boost your confidence for success in life, wear the shoes. And when you're just having a bad day, change your shoes...even if it means changing your outfit! Make yourself feel fabulous today!

Friday, April 25, 2008


Get out and try something new this weekend! Pick something you've always thought you might enjoy. Search for information about it on the internet or at the library. Go to a specialty shop and ask questions. Find out if you can rent the equipment needed to assist you in trying your new thing if you want to make sure it's right for you.
Starting with small steps to get you out of your comfort zone in your personal life will cary over into other aspects of your life making it easier for you to try new approaches, tactics, events, and even new places.
What are you waiting for? Get out and be uncomfortable!

Did you get out of your comfort zone recently? Share your experinces with us at beheard@unicity.net

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I just got off the phone with Cheryl Straub (Unicity's March Woman of the Month). She is a part of the beta test for Bios Life Slim. When I asked her how it was going she said, "This product is great! Some people had a hard time connecting with Bios Life Complete but everyone wants to know about Slim, and most aren't affraid to tell their friends. This is truly a product for everyone!"
Earlier this week I received an e-mail from Darlene Long (Unicity Canada) stating, "everyone is crazy to get this BiosLife Slim. I believe it is one of the most brilliant products ever launched by Unicity. The company is running to keep up with the demand for this product and the great news is that people are making money. Most Beta marketers have customers waiting for product and are beginning to follow the suggestion that they sell their customers 3 units upfront and follow-up with these customers periodically during the months. The results and testimonials are starting to come in--people losing lots and lots of inches and feeling great."

You women are doing a fantastic job! Keep up the good work...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Take a moment to reflect on a compliment or praise you have received recently. How long did that comment stick with you or give you motivation and energy to continue on?
I recently heard a woman speak of a note that was left for her stating, "You inspire me." The woman who received the note commented that at the time she received the note she was struggling to not give up on some things she was trying to accomplish. Because of this note she received empowerment and energy to continue pushing forward all because someone noticed and paid her a compliment when she thought no one was paying attention. Compliments and praises can be as easy as "I really appreciate what you've done" or "You look great". You have the power to make a difference in someone else's life.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Are you trying to stick to a fitness plan, improve a relationship, grow a business, eliminate fast food from your diet, or be a better parent? Whatever your goal, how many times have you had the thought that it just can't be accomplished? When things get tough it is much easier and a natural reaction to justify your actions rather than get over the hurdle. How many hurdles in life are created by you or your attitude? Take a look this week at the hurdles you can eliminate. If you still find your self saying you can't do it, it's time to re-analyze your goal. If your goal is something you really want, make the time or take a different approach (learn the needed skills, get/stay organized, get up earlier, etc). Finding time for you and your goals is essential to success.

Get out of your own way and accomplish great things!!!

Have a story of success you want to share? Send it to beheard@unicity.net

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


unicitywomen.com is the site designed for you, the women of Unicity. It is a place for you to get updates, encouragement, ideas, and support. All of this couldn't be done without your input!

Send us your ideas, stories, questions, and comments to beheard@unicity.net.
Send us your stories of Slim successes, strategies, and events to http://unicitywomen.com/submit_your_story.html
Nominate a Woman of the Month at http://unicitywomen.com/woman_of_the_month_nominate.html
And view Unicity's current and past Woman of the Month at http://unicitywomen.com/woman_of_the_month.html

All of these links are also available at http://www.unicitywomen.com/. Send us your content. Make unicitwomen.com YOUR site!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Goals Accomplish Great Things

By setting a goal you are creating a bar for yourself, a self competition if you will. By competing against yourself, you select the end result that you want, and it's up to only you to decide if the end result is accomplishment or failure. Failure is only defined as quitting.

"I set out to be a Diamond rank with Unicity in six months. It didn't happen. It took seven months."
Aaron Webber, Bios Life Franchise Owner

What goals will you set today? What will you accomplish today, tomorrow, next month, in six months, or next year?

Best of luck!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Follow Through

Food for thought...

Have you ever said "I want to help do this," or "I'd like to be involved in that"? Many people have grand intentions but forget about the importance of following through. It is far better to take the time to complete small deeds than to spend your time talking about what you want to do someday. Sometimes you may feel that a small deed will not make a difference. Just remember that every bit--even a small bit--helps. Every good deed makes a difference to someone.

What do you have to follow through on today?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Women's Summit Empowers

Hello Ladies! Just wanted to share a story of empowerment from the Women's Summit....

"While at the Women’s Summit I made a commitment to attend a health event that really paid emotionally and hopefully financially. I was out of my comfort zone but knowing you ladies were behind me made all the difference in the world.
At the event I gave out ninety-six CDs to interested prospects in return for COMPLETE contact information. One contact is a "retired" RSI IBO, many are healthcare professionals, and I even gave some to interested television and radio personalities.
I was interviewed by the MC of the event and was ask to stay on stage to tell my health story and the value of Bios Life - even got a few laughs !! Must have been on the local news since a complete stranger came up to me after the event was over and said she saw me on TV. Needless to say, she got a business card and CD.
In addition to the incredible number of solid prospects I received, I also made some serious contacts with the City of Tampa, YMCA, AHA, and 2 high-end health clubs. I was even invited to set up a table and all for he Mayor’s Walk Day!
Wow! Quite an event. As I was leaving, I was approached by the ladies that worked the door. They said several individuals were impressed with "The Bios Life" lady and would be contacting me.
I am already in contact with the coordinator to be involved again next year.
What a way to begin my month !! I can say WITHOUT A DOUBT that attending the Women's Summit was key to my participation in this event.
Thanks again for all your support !!

Many of you have fantastic stories to share...please don't hesitate! Send them to beheard@unicity.net. Also, don't forget to share your recipes! We hope you are finding success in every corner of your life....you deserve it!

Ann & Amber

Monday, March 17, 2008

Recipes, Recipes, Recipes!

Unicity is on a Healthy Recipe Search!! Have a healty recipe you just love? Submit it to recipes@unicity.net. You can type it in an e-mail or attach it as a file. Don't forget to include all of the ingredients and cooking instructions!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Unicity Women's Summit - Closing Gala

Arriving at Thanksgiving Point for Unicity Women's Summit Closing Gala.

Everyone looked so beautiful! What a perfect way to end the event.
Mary Ann Young was our keynote speaker. She presented "The Balancing Act".
A Congo Line was the response to a New Fast Start Bonus Rewards Trip!
Aaron Webber hosted an "after party". His presentation was great!
Each women was presented with a red shoe pin from Aaron.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Unicity Women's Summit - Saturday

Dedicated women for a 6 AM work out!
Jan Bloom presented on Home Parties
and shared her top-recruiting secrets.

Ann Schreck and Suzanne Heninger preparing for the day's presentations.

Brent Morrill presented Bios Life Slim™! The group was then split into five groups to brainstorm marketing, sales and promotion concepts. The result was incredible - the ideas presented were fantasitc. Those women who attended the Women's Summit were each given product and a special sales promotion.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Unicity Women's Summit - Friday

Wow - what a day! Today was the first day of the first annual Unicity Women's Summit. 60 women came from all over (one from Kuwait) to gather as a group of top-notch leaders in the making.

The day started with registration and a corporate tour. It was incredible to meet everyone Amber and I have been talking to for the last several months.
Dr. Peter Verdegem and Lori Finlay Hamilton presented a Women's Wellness Symposium to a packed room. The information was incredible and really set the stage for the rest of the event. We learned about balance, personal development, service and business building. Our Women's Steering Committee put so much energy and work into a fantastic night. Thanks to Lori Finlay Hamilton, Jan Bloom, Darlene Long and Burma Hicks for all they did to make this event come together!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Getting Ready


The Unicity Women's Summit is just days away! Unicity staff is working hard to create a memorable experience for you. Expect inspiring content, motivational presenters and exceptional new relationships from this event.

Utah has a fresh blanket of snow, so everything is crisp, white and beautiful. For those who have never been here, you're in for a treat.

I can't wait to be with you this weekend.


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Welcome to the Unicity Women Blog!

Dear Unicity Women,

This has been a very exciting year for me. I joined Unicity over a year ago as Global Marketing Manager and as part of my (personal and professional) goals, I work to unify and strengthen us as women. I love this work. I love learning about and from you. You are business owners, mothers, wives, friends, partners and so much more. You share your problems, solutions, successes and hopes for the future. You are women who want life to be rich with experiences and memories.

WE are a wonderful group. We have talents and stresses that are unique to us. We push to better our lives and the lives of those around us. Many of us gathered in Orlando for the Women's Luncheon and we're gathering again in a week for the first annual Unicity Women's Summit. I am very excited to be with the women of Unicity. This event has been a labor of love. So many people have been working to prepare and make this an incredible experience. I know many of you would like to come, but commitments in other areas of your life prevent your joining us. You're with us, even if just in spirit this time. Stay tuned for announcements and highlights from the event.

This blog will be a forum to share all that we do - all over the world. We'll share notes from happenings at Unicity Headquarters in Utah, events around the globe, and things you share with me from your own experiences and successes.

Talk to you soon,

Ann Schreck