Monday, September 22, 2008

Have you registered?

Hello Ladies!

In just a little more than eight weeks, the most exciting and personally rewarding Women's Summit will take place in Delray Beach, Florida. The last summit in February launched businesses of women who will return to this summit to help you understand exactly what they did and how they did it so that you can have the same experience.

The Summit Team has worked to bring you the most jam packed event directed at women this company has ever seen! The presentations will give you an opportunity to experience and learn every skill you will need to create a dynamic and financially rewarding business. This summit has the potential to absolutely change your life and your business forever. Register at Invite your friends, downline, neighbors and family to this exciting event!

Here is a list of the highlights you will experience, learn from and that can help you expand your business with confidence and competence:

1. Lori Finlay Hamilton teaches about the importance and the role hormones play in
everyone's life and ow to maximize the benifts of all our products - especially results with
BiosLife Slim.

2. Jan Bloom explains how to use language to impace your business and success. Learn what
to say and when to say it.

3. Understand how Stewart Hughes, Chairman and CEO of Unicity International, sees the
role of women at Unicity. Learn from this seasoned businessman how to network with

4. Enjoy an entire workshop with bestselling author and international speaker Sandy Grason.
Experience your personal magnificence and learn the steps to become a "Business Mogul."

5. Meet and network with the most successful women in this company!

We can't wait to see you there! Register today!

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