Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How can I succeed as a Unicity distributor?

The truth of the matter is, 50% of MLM distributors quit within the first year. How can you become more than a statistic? These 5 steps can help you on your way to earning a six-figure income:

1. Constantly expose new people to your products and business opportunity. Go to meetings, get on conference calls, and talk to people about your business.

2. Commit yourself to personal development and self improvement. Set attainable long-term and short-term goals and stick to them.

3. Develop a strategy to help your team become self-sufficient. Make a specific game plan and share the tools and knowledge you've gained to help them succeed. You can be the best distributor in the world, but if your team isn't seeing results, they're not going to stick around.

4. Use the products. Some of the best Bios Life Slim distributors are those who have used it. If you believe in it, you can sell it. This is a very important part of MLM. People can tell if you don't believe in a product and they will not want to do business with you.

5. Never quit! Give yourself enough time to succeed. If you ask any Double Diamond, they'll tell you it didn't happen overnight. The biggest reason why most distributors quit within the first year is because they don't give themselves enough time to succeed. Give yourself enough time and always remember; success can be yours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice tips!