Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Need a reason to attend Women's Summit?
Personally, it allowed me to network with other women Franchise Owners throughout North America. What is amazing to me is the willingness of everyone to share. When we returned we had each other’s e-mail addresses. As attendees we were all given the privilege to participate in the beta testing of Bios Life Slim™. We shared everything including Slim party invitations, promotional flyers, marketing ideas and results. The camaraderie was great! I became a Franchise Owner in July of 2006 and attended my first conference in New York City three weeks later. I feel that attendance at national events is one of the keys to my success. The next year I was in Orlando and I would not miss this fall’s Women’s Summit in Del Ray Beach, Florida.
-Cheryl Straub
Franchise Owner
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My excitement level was so high when I left the Women’s Summit in UT, I could hardly wait to get home! I had no idea when I registered that I was going to be included in the beta marketing of Bios Life Slim. What a wonderful experience that was in so many different ways. After specializing in diabetes for so many years, I was “over the top” with excitement that I was working with the company that had an answer to leptin imbalance! It was very easy for me to talk to everyone about Slim and as soon as people heard, they were interested. As they had success, and told others, I watched my business triple in size over the next 2 ½ months! As a medical provider, I have had very little education in the world of business. I couldn’t have been more pleased at the business knowledge and sharing of information that went on, not only at the conference, but in the weeks and months following. I made a promise to myself never to miss a Women’s Summit. I encourage all my business partners to attend our next Women’s Summit in November so they can learn how to, not only grow their business, but grow professionally and personally as well.
Judy Gilman, NP, CDE
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Women’s Summit
November 7-8, 2008
Delray Beach Marriott, Florida
Registration details to follow
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Keep the Vision
Stewart reminds us to remember the vision: We have to have a dream – “so big and so inspiring so it will get you to change behavior.” Sit down for 20 minutes and uncover your dream for the business. Pen your most glorified dreams and hold on to them. Write down every detail: how you will feel, what you will be wearing, who will be with you, what you will be doing, etc. Inspire yourself.
Then, get to work. Remember the 5-20-3 vision for making network marketing a big success. Document your behavior. Remind yourself of your vision daily. When you get down, review your vision. Every morning, relive your vision. Stewart guarantees results. Look up Keys to Success, by Stewart Hughes, for his personal speech.
Don’t forget to take advantage of the business opportunities, such as the Latino Convention, August 4-6. There is still time to register! Register for the Latino Convention .