Tuesday, June 24, 2008


“If you want to be successful, you have to make sacrifices.” – Stewart Hughes

I believe in success. It’s possible for everyone. In a speech to Franchise Owners, Stewart Hughes, CEO spills many of his secrets for building a successful business. I believe they can be transferred to other areas of our lives, helping us really to Make Life Better as a whole.

The first key is to document behavior. Write down your daily actions, e.g. how many phone calls you make, clients you contact, products you promote and order, etc. The result is making connections between action and outcome. If you don’t document, then you will wind up thinking that your behavior was “bigger…more important than it was.” You will go sleep exhausted after day of nonproduction. However, documenting behavior will help to change behavior and promote production and success. Each day can leave us with a feeling of satisfaction. Decide what you want, for “if you want to be successful, you have to make sacrifices.”

What do you think? Any good experiences that you’ve seen in your personal business? Post your comments on the blog!

Watch for another key to success later this week…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree! I feel that in order to be productive, I have to understand my behavior. Documenting is such a good idea. I think I'm going try it!